Ask yourself how you would like relations between you and your former partner to be in five years’ time? Would you like to be able to attend your child’s graduation or wedding without any fear of friction or conflict?
If the answer is “yes” then resolving your Divorce using the Collaborative process may well be for you. After all there is nothing more damaging to you, your former partner and more importantly your children than a drawn out acrimonious court case.
Under the Collaborative process, each person appoints their own Collaboratively trained lawyer and you and your respective lawyers all meet together to work out arrangements for the children, your Divorce and Money Issues face to face. Both of you will have your lawyer by your side throughout the process and so you will have their support and legal advice as you go. This will avoid the need for drawn out and costly correspondence between lawyers as matters will be addressed directly between you with the assistance of your lawyers.
You and your lawyers sign an agreement that commits you to trying to resolve the issues without going to court and prevents them from representing you in court if the collaborative process breaks down. That means all are absolutely committed to finding the best solutions by agreement, rather than through court proceedings.
By resolving issues arising from your separation or divorce through the Collaborative Process there is a much better chance of retaining your respect for one another and maintaining civil relations which will benefit you and your children.
Based at our Wolverhampton Office Nick Wynn-Williams is the Head of the Family Law Department and was one of the first Solicitors in the Midlands to embrace Collaborative Law. He is also accredited by Resolution as a Specialist Family Lawyer. Nick offers free half hour interviews to new clients and would be more than happy to discuss how the Collaborative process will benefit you in resolving your Divorce and any issues arising from your separation.
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