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Have you made a New Year’s resolution? Perhaps to be more active or to kick an old habit? Whilst we plan for the year ahead there is something that is often overlooked; your Will.

2018 Resolution - Make a Will

Making or updating a Will is never at the top of your to do list but it is essential to provide the peace of mind to know that your wishes will be carried out after your death. It won’t be you but your loved ones who have to face the consequences of your dying without having made a Will.

Many people believe they don’t need a Will, and assume their assets will automatically pass to relatives. This isn’t always the case and dying without a Will leaves the law in control of your property and possessions which could leave your loved ones with nothing. A Will can help to ease a difficult time for those left dealing with matters after you have passed away. A professionally prepared Will ensures your estate will be dealt with in the most tax efficient way, it can help to avoid disputes and to preserve family wealth for future generations and can appoint guardians to care for any young children.

Putting a Will in place will safeguard your wishes and provide guidance to your loved ones. Preparing a Will now ensures you maintain control, as although you have no control over when the inevitable may happen, you can ensure you maintain control over what happens when it does.

Here at Rees Page Solicitors in Wolverhampton and Bilston we have a dedicated team of Will experts to guide you through the process of writing your Will. We offer a fixed fee service so you will always be clear on costs. We offer home visits if you are not able to get into the office and we provide safe and secure storage of your Will at no extra cost.

New Year, New You? Time to get organised and take control now to ensure your loved ones are protected for the future.

Call us on 01902 577774 to make an appointment with one of our specialists.

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