Our specialist employment lawyers can help you decide quickly on the best course of action if you feel unfairly treated at work, so don’t let it fester.  Talk to us so you get a clear picture of what you should do next; also what NOT to do, to make sure you don’t take any steps that could prejudice your claim.

Whatever employment problems you are experiencing at work, our specialist employment solicitor will give you the confidence to make the right decisions however stressful the situation.  We make sure that you know your rights, fight your corner to protect your position and help you win fair compensation. 

Just some of the areas where we can help you:

  • Unfair & Constructive Dismissal
  • Redundancy
  • Age, Sex & Race Discrimination
  • Changes to Terms of Employment
  • Bullying & Harassment
  • Entitlement to Time off Work
  • Settlement agreements

To set up an initial consultation, call our Wolverhampton office on 01902 577777 or leave a message for us confidentially here or ask below for a call back from Richard Ennis.